Copyright 2005 By Ray Thomas
I get really disgusted when I see the ads a certain oil company is running claiming to make "the oil that changed oil." Their motto really ought to be "the oil that copied the real thing."
I won't name this company because anybody who has been paying attention knows this company was the "first on the bandwagon" to copy them when AmsOil created the oil that really changed oil in the early seventies.
Al Amatuzio, a former jet pilot, noted that jet airplanes and rocket ships used in outer space could not operate on "fossil oil" (oil whose origin was the dinosaur's remains rotting in the ground). The temperature range required was way too wide to use it. Lubricants had to be invented that could operate at a much wider temperature range than was possible with dinosaur fossil oil.
Enter synthetic oil. Synthetic oils and other lubricants could be manufactured to custom needs, where fossil oils could not. All it took was money. Some of the lubricants used in outer space cost $25,000 an ounce. But it was necessary to spend this money to get anything that would work.
Al wondered why nobody had come up with a lubricant using this technology for automobiles. Truth is, the Nazis during WWII tried, but we won the war before they could perfect it. Had we not, we'd all be speaking German now. So Al set out to make an oil that had the proper additives to allow its use in automobiles, and succeeded. He introduced AmsOil to the world in 1972 and the world took notice.
Most oil companies satisfied themselves by telling the most outrageous and false stories about synthetic oils, hoping to dissuade people from using them. One of the first lies was that synthetic oil would void your warranty. Actually, AmsOil is a S.A.E. approved lubricant that outdoes everything asked of it to obtain such a rating. Another was that AmsOil would destroy your engine because of those "unheard of" drain intervals.
One oil company did something different. They simply copied AmsOil by coming up with a para-synthetic they called a synthetic. But they made a mistake; they formulated theirs so as to be incompatible with fossil oils. Which means to use it, you had to drain and remove every vestige of your fossil oil out of the car before you could put it in your engine. This slowed the acceptance of their imitation synthetic oil for years, until they got wise and reformulated it.
Ever since AmsOil's first year, this company has been pretending AmsOil didn't exist, claiming that all the advances in synthetic oil technology were theirs. They weren't.
They recently introduced three oils to the market, all claiming to be synthetic; all claiming extended drain intervals. The 5,000 mile oil is simply a fossil oil with some synthetic added to stretch its life to 5,000 miles.
The next was a 7,500 mile oil, which was still mostly fossil oil, but with more synthetic stocks added to stretch it to 7,500 miles.
Then they came out with a 15,000 mile oil; still using a fossil oil base, but with more synthetic stocks, to stretch its life to 15,000 miles. They called this oil "synthetic." But it's not. It's a "para-synthetic (partial synthetic).
They still haven't been able to approach the performance of AmsOil's real synthetic, which has given customers 25,000 miles per oil change since its inception. This company still can't approach AmsOil in performance or quality, yet they claim they are "making oil that changed oil." Preposterous!
They can't even match AmsOil's prices. They charge as much per quart for their 15,000 mile oil as AmsOil does for their full sunthetic, which not only gives you 25,000 miles, but NO "dry starts," ever. (synthetics "cling" to the parts when you shut off the engine, while fossil oils simply drop into the oil pan leaving your parts with no lubrication for a split second every thime you start your car) a national average of 10% fuel savings (less friction), smoother and cooler running (less friction), meaning less engine wear, thus, fewer visits to the mechanic.
One of the things I like the most about AmsOil is that it will give you "summer-like starts" in the dead of winter. The Nazis wanted to overcome the problems of tanks freezing up on the Russian front, while guns, trucks, and other equipment did also. Synthetic oils were originally engineered for cold-weather use. But it was discovered that they did a lot more than allow operation down to 60 below zero and above 400 degrees.
They are a superior friction reducer, which means metal parts rubbing together don't cause as much friction and heat. With fossil oils, just starting your car causes more wear than does driving it all day, thus shortening your engine's life. Your engine runs cooler, smoother, and lasts longer, while you have 35 fewer quarts of used oil to dispose of in 25,000 miles, thus helping the environment.
One of the biggest problems in the world now is our dependence on foreign oil, meaning our gasoline (and later oil) prices are going to continue to rise, rise, rise, as long as we are dependent on the oil we showed the Arabs how to pull out of the ground. One way to eliminate that dependence is to get 20% or more drivers around the world using synthetic oil. This will scare the bejeezuz out of OPEC, and they will stop limiting production to make prices go higher. If you want to know more, write me at P.O. Box 16247, Denver, CO 80216 or call me at 720-351-3674. Or you can check out my web site at
Monday, September 26, 2005
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Your Engine's Worst Enemy: Friction
Copyright © By Ray Thomas
When you rub two pieces of metal against one another they resist it and heat is generated. Keep it up and accellerated wear results. When this friction happens in your engine it speeds up the wear factor and shortens your engine's life. Conventional oils are just barely able to handle this in today's engines, especially in those "four-bangers" designed to operate at a higher temperature than before. This adds wear to your engine.
Remember the ad for an oil additive where the announcer says, "You are about to hear the worst thing you can do to your engine?" Then you hear the sound of a car's engine starting. And this ad is merely for an oil additive using synthetic ingredients. This is because with conventional (fossil) oils, the oil drops to the bottom of the pan when the engine stops, meaning that first "split second" after you start your engine, you're running "metal-to-metal" with no oil between as a "cushion. Synthetic oils cling to the parts when the engine stops, leaving a thin film of lubrication so there are NO "dry starts." This alone stretches out the life of your engine, to your financial advantage.
Automotive lubricants really never advanced beyond the original formulations (except for certain additives) until Al Amatuzio, a jet pilot, observed that his jet engines used a different, better kind of lubrication than that ised in his car. It could operate at higher OR lower temperatures than conventional lubricants while causing a lot less heat. What's more, the lubricants used in his jet plane seemed to last forever.
The same was true in aerospace. They just could not operate in outer space using conventional lubricants because of the extremes of high and low temperatures they encountered. The only kind of lubricant they could use was synthetic, which could be manufactured to whatever specificatons you wanted. Then only obstacle was cost. Some of the lubricants used in outer space cost as much as thousands of dollars an ounce.
He decided he could design a synthetic lubricant for automotive use at a cost people could afford, that would be a lot better than any conventional oil, not only save them money on the cost of the oil itself (because it lasted 25,000 miles, meaning they only had to buy four or five quarts and two filters in 25,000 miles rather than 40 quarts and eight filters), but on the overall cost of driving their car.
He was successful, and "breakthrough product" was born, obsoleting the entire conventional oil industry. AmsOil was the first successful synthetic lubricant to hit the automatic market about 30 years ago, and conventional oil makers were scared to death. They actually lied to the public about it, hoping to frighten customers away from it. One even came out right away with their own synthetic oil that actually cost more, was good only for 15,000 miles, and was not compatible with conventional oils, so you had to clean out your entire system to use it. They've since reformulated it, but aside from now being compatible with conventional oils, it's no better than it was.
Al's synthetic oil was supremely successful, creating a market for the "average Joe," since it wasn't sold in stores, but by individuals who could form their own marketing teams without having to buy thousands of dollars in inventory to fill up their garage. Al wasn't the first, but he was the first successful manufacturer and marketer of synthetic lubricants, not only for automobiles, but for other applications, as well (I use AmsOil grease on the runners for my automatic garage opener, and it stopped the garage door from getting stuck in very cold weather). Hitler was trying to develop a synthetic lubricant during WWII because on the Russian front his guns froze up and his tanks wouldn't run. Had he been successful we'd all be speaking German right now.
The result is a lubricant that is a "breakthrough product" that will make conventional oils obsolete once the world "tumbles" to its superiority over conventional oils in cost and performance. This is a product much like the automobile itself, which obsoleted many industries, including the buggy whip industry. Now everybody has a synthetic oil in their line, usually at higher prices and which are mostly less effective, since AmsOil has more than thirty years headstart in research and development.
With synthetic lubricants you can start your car on the coldest day of winter just about anywhere because it doesn't "gum up" like conventional oils do at any temperature below zero. Not only that, since the oil "clings" to the parts there'll never be that split second of "dry running" you get with conventional oils. That makes it a lot easier on your battery and starter because neither are working as hard to start your car. This alone is worth changing over.
With significantly lower friction synthetic oil is "super slippery", causing a RPM increase of about 200 RPM as soon as you put it in. Race drivers like Mark Martin, Al Unser Jr. and Sr., and a number of others whose names you would recognize just take advantage of the extra RPM to go faster and the oil to make their engines last longer. The average driver just "idles it back" to the original RPM and saves about 10% in gas mileage. That's a lot of money saved these days.
With your engine not working as hard, it runs cooler. You break down less often, and the engine itslelf lasts longer, saving you a lot of cash. Furthermore, with your engine running cooler, there are no more vapor locks on hot days.
Conventional oils "thin out," losing their viscosity (thickness) when they warm up. Synthetifc oils do not "shear back" and maintain their design thickness throughout.
It runs a lot cleaner than conventional oils as a natural part of the way it was made. The cleaning additives last longer, allowing you to go 25,000 miles between oil changes without voiding your warranty since it not only meets, but exceeds government and warranty requirements.
America is the biggest importer of Saudi and other fossil oils in the world. Why should we continue to buy billions of dollars in oil from people who hate us and have no interest in reducing its cost? We taught them how to bring it up in the first place, but they count that as "interference" and raise the price some more. What would happen if a significant number of people all over the world (not just in America) switched to synthetic oils, thereby reducing the amount of conventional oil purchased by 1/10th the amount we now use? Their prices would soon go down because they need that oil money we helped them to obtain. Then the cost of gasoline would drop like a stone (But we'll have probably come up with a synthetic gasoline by that time).
Since you only have to use four or five quarts vs. 40 or more quarts, plus two filters vs. eight with conventional oil intervals, that means you spend a lot less money and have to dispose of a lot less used oil, which usually works its way into the environment. This helps the environment because there's less synthetic oil to be disposed of.
Whatever kind of synthetic oil you use, you're going to benefit and so is the entire country. AmsOil is the best because they were the original manufacturers and marketers of synthetic lubricants to the automotive market and still maintain that thirty-year headstart. If you want more information about it, write me at the address above or send me an e-mail.
When you rub two pieces of metal against one another they resist it and heat is generated. Keep it up and accellerated wear results. When this friction happens in your engine it speeds up the wear factor and shortens your engine's life. Conventional oils are just barely able to handle this in today's engines, especially in those "four-bangers" designed to operate at a higher temperature than before. This adds wear to your engine.
Remember the ad for an oil additive where the announcer says, "You are about to hear the worst thing you can do to your engine?" Then you hear the sound of a car's engine starting. And this ad is merely for an oil additive using synthetic ingredients. This is because with conventional (fossil) oils, the oil drops to the bottom of the pan when the engine stops, meaning that first "split second" after you start your engine, you're running "metal-to-metal" with no oil between as a "cushion. Synthetic oils cling to the parts when the engine stops, leaving a thin film of lubrication so there are NO "dry starts." This alone stretches out the life of your engine, to your financial advantage.
Automotive lubricants really never advanced beyond the original formulations (except for certain additives) until Al Amatuzio, a jet pilot, observed that his jet engines used a different, better kind of lubrication than that ised in his car. It could operate at higher OR lower temperatures than conventional lubricants while causing a lot less heat. What's more, the lubricants used in his jet plane seemed to last forever.
The same was true in aerospace. They just could not operate in outer space using conventional lubricants because of the extremes of high and low temperatures they encountered. The only kind of lubricant they could use was synthetic, which could be manufactured to whatever specificatons you wanted. Then only obstacle was cost. Some of the lubricants used in outer space cost as much as thousands of dollars an ounce.
He decided he could design a synthetic lubricant for automotive use at a cost people could afford, that would be a lot better than any conventional oil, not only save them money on the cost of the oil itself (because it lasted 25,000 miles, meaning they only had to buy four or five quarts and two filters in 25,000 miles rather than 40 quarts and eight filters), but on the overall cost of driving their car.
He was successful, and "breakthrough product" was born, obsoleting the entire conventional oil industry. AmsOil was the first successful synthetic lubricant to hit the automatic market about 30 years ago, and conventional oil makers were scared to death. They actually lied to the public about it, hoping to frighten customers away from it. One even came out right away with their own synthetic oil that actually cost more, was good only for 15,000 miles, and was not compatible with conventional oils, so you had to clean out your entire system to use it. They've since reformulated it, but aside from now being compatible with conventional oils, it's no better than it was.
Al's synthetic oil was supremely successful, creating a market for the "average Joe," since it wasn't sold in stores, but by individuals who could form their own marketing teams without having to buy thousands of dollars in inventory to fill up their garage. Al wasn't the first, but he was the first successful manufacturer and marketer of synthetic lubricants, not only for automobiles, but for other applications, as well (I use AmsOil grease on the runners for my automatic garage opener, and it stopped the garage door from getting stuck in very cold weather). Hitler was trying to develop a synthetic lubricant during WWII because on the Russian front his guns froze up and his tanks wouldn't run. Had he been successful we'd all be speaking German right now.
The result is a lubricant that is a "breakthrough product" that will make conventional oils obsolete once the world "tumbles" to its superiority over conventional oils in cost and performance. This is a product much like the automobile itself, which obsoleted many industries, including the buggy whip industry. Now everybody has a synthetic oil in their line, usually at higher prices and which are mostly less effective, since AmsOil has more than thirty years headstart in research and development.
With synthetic lubricants you can start your car on the coldest day of winter just about anywhere because it doesn't "gum up" like conventional oils do at any temperature below zero. Not only that, since the oil "clings" to the parts there'll never be that split second of "dry running" you get with conventional oils. That makes it a lot easier on your battery and starter because neither are working as hard to start your car. This alone is worth changing over.
With significantly lower friction synthetic oil is "super slippery", causing a RPM increase of about 200 RPM as soon as you put it in. Race drivers like Mark Martin, Al Unser Jr. and Sr., and a number of others whose names you would recognize just take advantage of the extra RPM to go faster and the oil to make their engines last longer. The average driver just "idles it back" to the original RPM and saves about 10% in gas mileage. That's a lot of money saved these days.
With your engine not working as hard, it runs cooler. You break down less often, and the engine itslelf lasts longer, saving you a lot of cash. Furthermore, with your engine running cooler, there are no more vapor locks on hot days.
Conventional oils "thin out," losing their viscosity (thickness) when they warm up. Synthetifc oils do not "shear back" and maintain their design thickness throughout.
It runs a lot cleaner than conventional oils as a natural part of the way it was made. The cleaning additives last longer, allowing you to go 25,000 miles between oil changes without voiding your warranty since it not only meets, but exceeds government and warranty requirements.
America is the biggest importer of Saudi and other fossil oils in the world. Why should we continue to buy billions of dollars in oil from people who hate us and have no interest in reducing its cost? We taught them how to bring it up in the first place, but they count that as "interference" and raise the price some more. What would happen if a significant number of people all over the world (not just in America) switched to synthetic oils, thereby reducing the amount of conventional oil purchased by 1/10th the amount we now use? Their prices would soon go down because they need that oil money we helped them to obtain. Then the cost of gasoline would drop like a stone (But we'll have probably come up with a synthetic gasoline by that time).
Since you only have to use four or five quarts vs. 40 or more quarts, plus two filters vs. eight with conventional oil intervals, that means you spend a lot less money and have to dispose of a lot less used oil, which usually works its way into the environment. This helps the environment because there's less synthetic oil to be disposed of.
Whatever kind of synthetic oil you use, you're going to benefit and so is the entire country. AmsOil is the best because they were the original manufacturers and marketers of synthetic lubricants to the automotive market and still maintain that thirty-year headstart. If you want more information about it, write me at the address above or send me an e-mail.
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